the September cardigan has been in use almost daily since it was finished a couple of months ago. It is the kind of garment I do not understand how we managed without for so long, warm, cosy and best of all - with a perfect fit in a yarn that seems to be softer and prettier the more it is worn. So I had to cast on for a little brother cardigan, too. This time I chose a dusty turquoise, combined with dark brown wooden buttons.

... perfect for hot chocolate drinking, stories by the fire, chilly mornings and other November things ...
pattern: my own
yarn: PT2
thermos in the bottom photo is from Blafre
what a wonderful blog you have, i like your pictures
SvarSlettHeisann. Jeg er inne og beundrer denne jakka igjen :) Den er så herlig. Jeg husker ikke om jeg har spurt før el om jeg bare hadde tenkt å gjøre det, men vil denne komme i ravelrybutikken din etter hvert også?